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Hydra Aqua Bacteria Boost (DUPLICATE)

Hydra Bio Aquatic Bacteria Boost

Product Highlights

Features and Benefits

  • Fast acting live bacterial culture, boosts the water's natural nitrifying bacteria.
  • Digests harmful ammonia, converting it to nitrite then harmless nitrate.
  • Digests excess nutrients that would otherwise cause poor water quality and clarity.
  • Seeds new biological filtration systems
  • Ideal to boost natural bacteria at start of season
  • Helps maintain a balanced water eco system free from algae and blanket weed.
  • Reduces fish lethal ammonia levels.
  • Breaks down and recovers organic material (accelerates the natural process).
  • Can be added direct to filter or to pond
  • Produces maximum results but still safe for fish and plants
  • Out-competes Algae for Nutrients Required for Their Growth
  • Effective in Both Salt and Fresh Water.


Used By

  • Large aquariums, koi and gold fish ponds. Decorative fish ponds.
  • Clears Golf Course Ponds and Water Hazards.
  • Zoo ponds and boundary water courses.
  • Large ponds and private lakes.
  • Leisure fishing lakes and ponds that have become ecologically unbalanced.
  • Intensive aquaculture operations like prawn, crayfish and shrimp farming operations.
  • Commercial fish farms: for example eel, trout, tilapia and catfish producers.
  • Salt water shellfish cultivars and net pen systems.
  • Hatcheries for higher survival rates.
  • Live stock holding tanks.



    Note: One Heaped Scoop Equals One Ounce


    Usage Rates in Ponds
    Size of Pond in Gallons 1st 
    Next 3 weeks
    (once per week
    Maintenance once per month
    50-250 gallon 4 oz 1 oz 1 oz
    221-500 gallon 8 oz 2 oz 2 oz
    501-1,500 gallon 10 oz 3 oz 3 oz
    1,501-5,000 gallon 14 oz 4 oz 4 oz
    5,001-15,000 gallon 16 oz 5 oz 5 oz



  • Apply at 2 lb per acre each week or bi-weekly, depending on the water quality and algae bloom. .
  • Higher dosages produce faster results
  • Mix with 2-5 gallons of lake water, stir and allow bacteria to activate for 20 minutes then add to water surface or via a feeder stream.
  • Spread the solution around the surface of the lake.
  • Diluted form is to be used within 30 minutes of mixing