Hydra Ammonia Lock 44 Pounds

Hydra Ammonia Lock 44 Pounds

SKU 66610


The Problem In ornamental garden ponds or pools the problem of excessive ammonia arises out of: Overfeeding of fish and uneaten fish food in the water Malfunctioning or inadequate biological filter system More fish in the water body with insufficient bio-filtration to handle the large amount of ammonia released in the water Ponds with huge amount of waste (dead leaves/plants) decomposing at the bottom of the pond Increased water temperature during particularly hot weather or at the season’s beginning when fish activity rises while nitrifying bacteria are still not colonised in enough quantity. With the increase of water temperature ammonia toxicity also rises, therefore same ammonia level during winters would prove harmful during summers when water temperature is higher. Solution Ammonia Lock is a safe, fast and effective product that quickly lowers the dissolved ammonia levels in ponds, pools and all fresh water systems with fish.

Features & Advantages

  • Ammonia Lock quickly adsorbs toxic ammonia and releases non-toxic sodium ions.
  • Ideal for pools, fountains and ponds with high fish load and freshly cleaned filters.
  • Allows sufficient time for the biological filters to develop and colonize with nitrifying bacteria in a new pond or at the beginning of the season.
  • Helps clear cloudy water due to bacterial blooms.
  • Helps bio-filters to work efficiently during hot weather conditions.
  • Checks unwanted algal growth
  • Rechargeable crystals that can be used multiple times.
  • Consists of naturally occurring high grade Zeolites with micro porous crystalline constitution, not mixed with cheap impurities.
  • Secret of Japanese pond keepers.