Hydra Pond Salt 11 Lb Pail

Hydra Pond Salt 11 Lb Pail

SKU 66970



Hydra Pond Salt is a product with multiple benefits. It aids in improving general fish health and neutralising ions when nitrite levels go up very high.

Dilution Rate

Ponds Without Plants

Use at 0.2% i.e 200gm per 100 litres of water.

Ponds With Plants

Use at 0.1% i.e 100gm per 100 litres of water.

Features & Advantages

  • Hydra Pond Salt aids in improving general good health in all types of fish.
  • Helps in the formation of the protective layer of mucus on fish.
  • Helps reduce stress on fish.
  • Source of essential trace elements.
  • Help the fish recover from the treatment for wounds or ulcers.
  • Quickly neutralizes the ions that attack on fish blood when nitrite levels shoot up (more than 0.5ppm).
  • Recharges Hydra Ammonia Lock.